Why It Matters

I got an iphone awhile ago and it sits parked on my desk at work.  It is my news source from 8:30 to 5:00.  On Wednesday I was frantically scrolling every few minutes and it wasn’t long into my work day that I found out the Supreme Court’s decision on gay marriage.  There was nobody … Read more


As I’ve grown older, I am very aware of my spiritual self.  It may be my grounding in Catholic school and parents whose lives were steeped in that faith, or maybe it’s due to age and experience giving me a view of things that repeatedly defy explanation. Whatever. I have always believed in a higher … Read more


When I was a little girl, my best friend’s family would take me on camping trips with them as company for Nancy.  I didn’t love the camping experience, but I loved getting away from the crammed house I lived in with all those people.  For Nancy’s mom, it seemed to me to be a lose-lose … Read more

This Neighborhood

Maggie and Nathan are in the process of buying their first house.  Maggie is beside herself with excitement while Nathan tempers that with worry about making this leap into home owning.  We told them how we found and bought our first (and only) house which in every step was dumb luck.  We knew nothing about … Read more