
Nearly every day since Mark died, I have lived with a sense of outrage. How is it possible that he is not here? How did this happen? How is it that the world keeps turning without him? Add to that a global pandemic and it’s like a match to tinder. When friends say that TJ … Read more


After Mark died, people looked at me all the time and said, “You are so strong,” or “I don’t know how you find the strength.” I always flinched whenever it was said. I think it was meant as a compliment but it didn’t feel like a compliment. It felt like an observation of what the … Read more

Everything Is Fine

Some things to note regarding this story: 1) I embrace all things female, and am, therefore, a gatherer in life and not a hunter. Mark once told me that as a pioneer I’d make it a day in the wild before the wagon train threw me over the side and never looked back. 2) Cats … Read more

The Escape

Throughout our marriage, there was nothing more painful for Mark and I to do than to buy a car. We’d shell out thousands of dollars year after year for repairs on cars that needed to be replaced because the alternative was TOO MUCH. We’d think about it, talk about it, complain, ignore, and when the … Read more