
If you were a kid in the sixties that went to a Catholic school, then at least once a year you saw a movie about missionaries.  Those selfless, giving people that went deep into the most remote areas of the world to spread the message of God. The films were usually shown at the end … Read more


Many years ago, we took a trip from Kansas City to Washington State to see Mark’s mom.  It was a three day trek with three kids and long before portable DVDs were the recommended travel necessity to entertain restless, little passengers.  The kids were troopers and we would do the trip two more times over … Read more

I Hear You Knocking

As I laid in bed the other night listening to my snoring husband, I heard a thud.  A loud, repeated thud.  I tried to ignore it and go to sleep but something sounded like it was trying to get in.  When The Big Daddy woke up to go to the bathroom, I asked him if he … Read more

Starry Starry Night

I can’t remember the first time I met Rie.  It seems like that should be seared into my brain but it isn’t.  All I know is that she became one of my favorite people to work with at my favorite job.  There are many reasons for this.  She was smart, funny, an elementary school principal … Read more

The Audition

It was with fear, second thoughts and one day before the deadline that I submitted a piece to Listen To Your Mother for the Kansas City show in May. My inner dialog leading up to that point waffled between “it’s time to do something that scares the hell out of you” to “you are out … Read more