Getting The Goods: Part Two

I hit my friendly thrift store to see what great vintage goods I could find and it did not disappoint.  Burgundy candle holders, $2.99.  Not old, but great for the holidays.  Small cloche, $2.99.  Good for putting a wee, little feather Christmas tree under.  Two small vintage plates, $1.99.  Just plain good.  Two strawberry serving pieces, $2.99.  Thinking ahead, great for next summer.

All told, I was pretty pleased with myself, and brought everything home to clean up.  Burgundy candle holders.  Original price tag still on under thrift store tag, $.99.  Ripped off for $2.00.  Times two.  Small cloche.  Couldn’t get the adhesive off so I sprayed it with Goo Gone.  Left a film that won’t come off.  Looks like the feather tree is in foggy weather.  Strawberry serving pieces.  Realized they were part of a set.  Left the rest of the set on the shelf.

Painted a wood cabinet I scored at a flea market for $2.00.  Used an “oops” paint from Wal-Mart that was half off the regular price.  Put three coats on.  Hated it.  Loathed it.  Wanted it out of my driveway.  Put it on the curb with a free sign.  No takers.  Looked at the receipt from Wal-Mart.  Charged full-price for the paint.  Oops.  Gave up.  Weekend over.

Sometimes you get a great deal, and sometimes you don’t.  Sometimes you need to walk away, and sometimes you need to just light a match.

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