Halfway Through

Tonight when the phone rang, I couldn’t find it amongst the glue gun, sewing machine, vacuum cleaner and drill.  It was a creative kind of day.  By the time I got to it, the answering machine had picked up.  It was The Big Daddy calling to tell me he was going to be late.  He is always late these days with lots on his work plate, and rarely around to do anything dumb that I can write about.  I know.  I miss those stories, too.

Anyhow, we chatted for awhile about our day and he told me he’d be home about 9:00.  In Big Daddy Land that really means 10:30.  Awhile later, I played back all the messages including the five minutes that recorded our conversation.

It confirmed that I’m a whiner and a bore.  That on this dreary, crappy day, the most I had to contribute was a conversation about a pillow I made.

I friggin hate February, but the pillow’s not bad.

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