
Today on the news here in Kansas City, was a story about a family that paid off all their credit card bills and saved $89,000.00 in one year.  WHAT??????   I wanted to see what that was all about.  The mom told the reporter that she has learned how little she needs to be happy, and that her and her husband and their six kids have found dozens of ways to save money.  Their biggest tip?  They no longer use toilet paper.  They cut up old tshirts to wipe their butts, and did you know that 99.9% of bacteria is killed in a washing machine?  I did not.  There next to the toilet was a basket of “wipes”, and Ace Reporter never asked where the used ones go until it’s laundry day.

This is when it’s helpful in life to have a sister, because a sister would be over to your house in a hellfire hurry to tell you that your budget busting ways may get you some face time on the local news, but you have crossed the line to bat shit crazy.  Then she’d tell you to crack open the safe and go buy some candles cuz your crib smelled like a zoo.

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