The One

I have been on the hunt for the perfect MOB dress.  My criteria is something that makes me look tall, thin and not frizzy.

I thought my search was over when I spotted a beauty on the clearance rack at Macy’s marked down from $180.00 to $29.99.  And guess who had a 20% off coupon in her hands?  It didn’t fit but that didn’t stop me from becoming obsessed with it and spending all afternoon on the computer trying to hunt it down.

I decided to go to Hall’s, which is a department store exclusive to Kansas City and very expensive.  In 21 years of living here I have never set foot inside, but I thought this occasion called for an exception.  I was greeted by not one but two salespeople.  I ended up with four dresses to try on and after I was escorted to the dressing room they asked if I’d like anything to drink.  They never ask me that at the thrift store.   Dress #1 made me look short and fat which is how I look all the time.  Dress #2 wasn’t a good color.  Dress #3 was something they snuck in as an option for the rehearsal dinner.  I don’t believe I asked for that.  Dress #4 was a gold sequined frock that in a million years I’d have never picked and I LOOKED AMAZING in it.  Oh my, I think I found the one.

It was $550.00.   

As soon as I saw the price tag I got a hot flash.  Full out hot sweaty mess with an expensive sequined dress plastered to me.

I hung everything up all nice and pretty, put my head down and made no eye contact when I left the dressing room, then hot-tailed it out of there like I’d just held up the place.

Which I kind of did.

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