A Wandering Soul

You may remember reading about my Irish friend here.  He has Alzheimers and I sometimes see him on my morning walk.  He says things to me like “Top of the morning” and “That’s a mighty fine dog you’ve got there.”

He starts my day with a pitter-pat.

I was out walking and he was standing on the porch of a home a few doors down from his own.  Knocking.  Waiting for them to answer.  I walked up to see if I could help.

He showed me a set of keys and the fob had an engraving of a German Shepard on it.  These folks lost these, he said, and I need to return them.   I’ve raised a few of these myself.  Good dogs.  They’re going to be pretty upset to find out this is missing.

Can I see?

On the back side was an address.  His address.

Well, they don’t seem to be home.  Maybe we should walk back to your house.

O.k., he said, but I’m going to come back later before they start to worry about this dog.

We walked to his house and stood in front, and he looked at it like it was the first time he’d seen it.

Maybe you should go inside and have another cup of coffee.

Yes.  Yes.  That’s a good idea.

You can try later.  Maybe they’ll be home by then.

Yes.  You know, my wife and I raised eight kids in this little house.

I know.

You never know, he chuckled, maybe I have another eight somewhere else.  Well, it was good visiting with you.  Top of the morning.

Eight somewhere else????

Before we parted, he remembered that he was funny and when that comes to an end me and my mighty fine dog will mourn the day.

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