All They Do Is Sleep

My walking has been curtailed this summer due to the heat and my walking partner being on the disabled list.  He is suffering the affliction of big dogs with bad hips causing his back legs to give out from under him often.  This is what he does most of the day.

I know where this is going.  🙁

When we adopted him from the shelter he was on his way to being a full-grown 40# sheltie.  In reality, he was on his way to being an 85# chow/retriever mix.  I felt more than a little duped, when in the confines of my small house, he kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger.  Over his nearly thirteen years, I have come to accept his girth.  And he mine.  These days we spend a lot of time together and when I ask him what I should write about, he looks like he’s giving it some thought.

In the meantime, I have The Turd Brothers to keep me company.

Turd Two has taken a liking to napping here…………..

…………and even when I yell at him to get his furry ass off my table, he takes no offense.

Or no action to leave.

And what I write about?  He looks at me like I’m dragging him into my drama.

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