What Do You Stand For?

Spending five years on the east coast was a gift from the relocation gods.  Mark worked for the NIH for those years, and since we knew we wouldn’t end up living there permanently we crammed everything we could into our stay.  My favorite place was Arlington Cemetery.  I never failed to be in awe.  I LOVED Rehobeth Beach in Delaware and even though driving over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge scared the bejeezits out of me we went often.  We saw the White House, Monticello, Mt. Vernon, Annapolis, Harper’s Ferry, Assateague and Chincoteague.  We saw the monuments more times than I could count and you really must see them at night as the quiet of the dark gives them special meaning.

Mark loved the the civil war battlefields.  We saw several but we’re especially close to Antietam.  I didn’t get into it as much as he did until we went there.  When you saw how close the North and the South were shooting cannons at each other………..well, dear God it’s a wonder anybody lived.  It is hallowed sacred ground.

In the last few days, I’ve seen the trailer of the Lincoln movie that Steven Spielberg made that is coming out in November.  When my sister and her husband came to town we went to the Ford Museum and the boarding house across the street where he died.  It’s surreal to be standing in the place where Lincoln was shot.  Besides seeing the clothes that John Wilkes Booth was wearing when he was captured there were artifacts like a letter from a fourteen year old boy to his mom and dad.  A soldier at fourteen.

This video is almost like the movie in my head when I went to all those places.

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