
I’m not a fan of the whole month of February.  At least in January you get the Christmas stuff put away, organize the house, make a fresh start.  This is useful stuff.

Then comes February.  Gray and shorter than any other month, like even it doesn’t see the point in hanging around longer than necessary.

A couple of weeks ago, I was supposed to go out to dinner with my fellow shopgirls to see a friend of all of ours who was in town.  I didn’t go and I couldn’t even make up a decent excuse.  Instead, Mark and I went to an evening church service which we never AND I MEAN NEVER have done before.  I thought that if I was going to bail on this planned dinner nobody could lay a guilt trip on me for going to church.

An hour of being still helped in matters of mental and spiritual health.

When I went back to work I offered my apologies.  I am off-kilter, I said.  I cannot explain it.  I cannot understand it.  I am just off-kilter.

My very wise friend and boss said, “Yes, it’s like that these days.  First Fat Tuesday, then Ash Wednesday, then Valentine’s Day.  It is as if the air is charged this week.”

I love her.

The air in Kansas City has stay charged with a gas explosion, a 12″ snowstorm on Thursday to be followed in the next 24 hours with another storm of up to 15″.

It is more than time to start daydreaming about all things garden…………the only remedy for a month that seems as if it will never end.

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