Tattoo Girls

A month after Maggie and Nate got married, my nephew Patrick married Sabrina and so we headed to Indiana for the nuptials.

Since none of us were in the wedding and needn’t be at the rehearsal dinner the night before, my sister Ann and her husband had us over for beer and pizza along with my sister Jean and her husband.

It was a perfect summer night and while the guys sat outside on the patio, the girls gathered at the kitchen table.  My niece and I started telling retail stories, and as is the case in my family, stories must be embellished and acted out which leads to, “Wait, wait.  I’ve got a better one.”   Maggie launched into school stories and before long she and my niece started doing some very suggestive dance moves while Brig (and probably Mom) watched wide-eyed.

My nephew and his soon-to-be-bride love tattoos and so Ann and Caitlin hitched a plan to have a photo of Mom and Patrick made into a tattoo that she could wear to the wedding.  I have no idea how she convinced Mom to do this except that she’s the youngest.  The tattoo would be covered up while she had her jacket on but when the party started she could get down with the best of them.

You could only order them by the dozen so her granddaughters got tats as well.  When Ann was putting it on her that night, Mom kept asking, “Now you’re positive this is going to come off, right?”  Ann kept telling her of course it would come off with a wink, wink to the rest of us.

Before it was time to dance the night away all the girls got out there and showed off their ink.  Such wholesome bad asses they should be in a Crest commercial.

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