An Imperfect Union

I met The Big Daddy on a blind date thirty five years ago.  He was roofing his way through college and would stop and eat at Sambo’s Restaurant where my friend worked as a waitress.  She got to know him and thought he was perfect for me.  After getting my phone number from her he called and asked me out.  I agreed because I had nothing else to do that night.

We went to Denny’s.

When he dropped me off and we said goodnight, I closed the door and knew I had just met my husband.

After a five year courtship we tied the knot and the knot has stayed tied for thirty years this week.

The other day I was talking to a friend who has been on vacation and she was wondering if the four of us could get together on Saturday night.  “We can’t,” I said.  “Mark’s boss is having his annual summer party that night.”

Mark, who was in the room during this conversation said, “No, it’s Owen’s party.  He’s having a party for Owen’s promotion.”

“Right.  The Annual Summer Party for promotions.”

“Yeah, but it’s for Owen.”

“Sheesh, Mark, these people don’t even know Owen.  They just wanted to know if we could get together over a bottle of wine.”

The BD sighed loudly and went back to the paper.

An hour later, I was calling a neighbor to get the number of a plumber for our situation downstairs…….the pipe under the laundry sink that has had a bucket under it all week – not to catch a slow leak but a significant, steady gush especially when the washing machine is running.

As I was leaving a message for her, (i.e. talking) he said “I’m taking somebody out to lunch today.  Just a heads up in the finance department.”

“Really, Mark, do you mind?  I’m trying to talk here and the neighbor probably doesn’t care about your lunch plans today or our dicey finances.”

“Well, you don’t have to get so snippy about it,” The BD said as he headed off for work.

What’s the secret to a long, happy marriage?

I have no idea.  We have been making it up as we go since we started. 

What I do know is that the communication part that everybody talks about only happens when I pick up the phone or as soon as I put my mouthguard in when I’m going to bed.

And the arguing over little stuff that I’m so good at?  Usually much ado about nothing.

Larry The Affordable Repair Man never showed up for his scheduled appointment and so my pretend plumber kept his head under the sink until the problem was fixed.

I’m smitten with my husband once again and doing a load of towels sans the bucket.

Thirty years and one day……………..


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