The Walk

Early this spring, The Big Daddy and I started doing a three mile walk after dinner.  Some dear friends of ours were coming to see us from Cleveland and we were determined to lose some weight and look awesome by the time they came.  Because the fitness plan in place for the daughter’s wedding the year before didn’t quite work out which was surely due to stress.

It didn’t happen that way and they have the same middle-age issues that we do.  What a relief.  We celebrated by eating and drinking all weekend long.

Then summer parked itself over Kansas City and though we often did our usual walk after dinner, the prolific sweating had everything to do with humidity and little to do with busting our fat, saggy butts.  Now the days are growing shorter and there are very few nights with enough daylight left to walk after dinner.

I put the squeeze on The BD to go with me on Sunday morning and we started like we always do…..patting ourselves for the effort and walking at a quick, # melting pace.  Before long we settled into our routine – Mark jumping from talking about mitochondria and protein folding to derivatives, big banks and 1%ers.

Four cars passed us at one point.  Mercedes, Mercedes, restored vintage car, Land Rover.  It’s like they have some sort of secret power that knows when they’re being talked about.

I talked about writing angst and job angst and then we trespassed in a home under construction and pretended it was ours.  The back yard?  Not going to work for us, people.  Gotta redo it.  A few doors down at the house “under contract” for a fat 1.5 mill we hoped to swipe some fruit off the pear tree we’d seen last week but somebody beat us to it.

An hour later we were home…….energized and proud of ourselves for doing something good for our health.

Two hours later we were stuffing our faces with chips and salsa, and contemplating the beer in the fridge while making a date for the next time we’d fake our way to fitness in the neighborhood over yonder, where there are clubs for burning fat and the cops patrol the streets for suspicious types just like us.

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