A Black Friday

Several years ago when this Black Friday business was still in its infancy, Maggie suggested that her and I get up early and do some shopping.

“It will be fun,” she said, “and we can bond.”

By 6:15 I was backing sleepy-eyed her and me out of the driveway.

We laughed at the foolishness of getting up before the sun to get after-Thanksgiving bargains and headed to Kohl’s – not because we ever shopped there but because they were one of the first to open at 4:00 a.m.  “We’ll beat the early crowd,” I said.

The parking lot was so packed that we both looked at each other and said, “Not this one.”

Best Buy over yonder?  “Or this one.”

Target?  “Negatory, fellow shopper.”

We ended up at Michael’s and got our craft on in the semi-deserted place and bought a few early bird specials.

It was uneventful and nobody tried to tackle us over…….well, anything.

Then we went to breakfast which is all we really wanted to do that day. 

This year we arrived at Michael’s after ten and missed the crack o’ dawn discounts, but we had other coupons and filled our cart.  At one point we lost it but when we found our Lost Sheep of Holidayness not a single thing was missing. 

When we were done we went out to breakfast which is all we really wanted to do anyways.

I got the Sunrise Special like always and we ate our meal like civilized people tend to do when they haven’t been punched in the jaw in the middle of the night over a 50″ t.v………but it would have been a different story had anybody dared to take my bacon.

Most of the time……………..
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