My Little Valentine

Part of the dilemma of writing a blog is trying to determine which stories are yours to tell.  I could post something new every day, but most of the time the story belongs to somebody else and is not mine to tell.

This may be one of those times but I think on the day of big love it needs to be out there in the light.

Recently, I was with some friends and one of them invited a young mom over to join us for a glass of wine.  During the conversation, the mom said she was asked by another mom if she would be bringing Valentines to daycare.  It had never occurred to her and the other mom implied that it wasn’t an option.  “And not some cheap Target cards but something homemade.  Something Pinteresty.”

“How old are we talking here,” I asked.

“One. They’re one year olds.”

The other seasoned mom and I said, “Nononononononononono.”

“NO.  And don’t let anybody guilt you into that.”

That’s life in suburbia with our first world problems.


I texted Maggie about going to the thrift store on Monday since we are both off for President’s Day.  She was up for it even though she had just gone.  One of her little 1st graders is newly homeless and so she went after work to buy him some clothes.

That is life on the other side of town with its real problems.


Happy Valentine’s Day. 

Spread the love.

Ditch the cards.

Be somebody’s champion.

Spread the love