The Trouble With Women

We women are a competitive bunch and we compete for all the wrong reasons.  Decades after women returned to the workforce in greater numbers, we’re still hashing it out over who is the better mom.  The one who stays at home and raises her kids or the one who goes to work every day and raises her kids?

Or the idea that somehow just having children puts you on a pedestal higher to God than women who can’t or don’t want children.

Bottle or breast?  Public, private or homeschool?  Soccer or football?  Honors or regular? 


I have never heard my husband or brothers ever compare themselves to another man.  Ever.  But me?  I have played that game with gusto.  I have patted myself on the back many a time at the expense of other woman.  We all have, but today it’s important that we stop.


My preferred method of birth control was always the pill.   It was covered under my health insurance plan thirty five years ago when I worked in Chicago and it’s been covered under every insurance plan we’ve ever had.  Similar forms are also covered such as the IUD and implant or injectable contraceptives.

My daughters (for very different reasons) use birth control and it is covered by their insurance.

This is a reasonable expectation from an employer’s health plan and far cheaper to provide than the alternative.  Preventing pregnancy, regulating cycles and clearing up acne, are but a few of the reasons one would need birth control.  This makes for a healthier, more productive woman and thus, a better employee.

This Supreme Court, however, doesn’t see it that way.  Women (at least the ones at Hobby Lobby……..for now) are required to march lockstep with the religous beliefs of their employer.  Rather than a discussion between a woman and her partner about family planning and the method under which they choose to do that, the court believes the employer’s beliefs get a say in the decision.

Though I am long past the need for birth control, my daughters are not, and the fundamental decision to prevent pregnancy and manage their own health with their own doctors (by methods that are best for them) took a huge step backwards.  It is no surprise that the majority opinion consisted exclusively of men.

For conservatives and opponents of Obamacare this was considered a huge victory.

The Hobby Lobby customer, however, is predominantly women, and unless their sales strategy was to rely on men from here on out to buy the cheap crap they import from China, they picked the wrong battle with the wrong gender.

Suit up, ladies. 

Game. On.

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