The Mexican Diaries: Highs and Lows

Every night when we ate dinner, Mary (our cruise director) made us go around the table and say what our high and low of the day was.  We all kind of thought it was hokey in the beginning, but it became my favorite way to end the day.

This is Nonie, my friend, travel companion and lucky duck owner of a condo in Mexico.

I have known her for years as our daughters have been friends since 1st grade.  It was our first time traveling together and I think we’d be good contestants on The Amazing Race.  Except we’d lose the first day because we both have to stop and pee all the time.  When that statue guy moved when we dropped money in his bucket, I seriously nearly peed in my pants.

What I found out about myself during High/Low time was that nature was my daily high.  I loved seeing the stars at night.  The moon over the ocean was jaw dropping gorgeous.  The sound of the waves crashing on the shore lulled me to sleep .  Sitting on the patio every morning with a cup of coffee watching bat rays jumping out of the water like they were on a trampoline.  The pelicans who seem to think they’ve been invited to every party.

And spending time with this cutie patootie before she leaves for college, who takes everything in stride including falling in the pool with all her clothes on.

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